
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Spiritual Law of GRACE

Grace is a Divine dispensation of mercy.  It dissolves karma, creates miracles and can change matter.

Our soul has accepted the opportunity to incarnate on this planet to learn about and experience emotions and a physical body.  We also have free-will in order to create our own life in a place where every thought, word and deed manifests.We can invoke the Universal Spiritual Law of Grace to transmute our debts, change emotional feelings, heal relationships and the physical body  -  however, we must be ready to receive it.  We created all of our situations with our consciousness and we must learn the lesson/s before we ask for grace.We can offer grace to others through our compassion, mercy, empathy, forgiveness and unconditional love.  Whenever we open our hearts to another we too receive an inflow of Divine love. Compassion, empathy, mercy, unconditional love and forgiveness are Divine qualities which confer grace. Every time you open your heart with compassion, the love emanating from you grants someone else grace.  A change of attitude may take place or the release of a deeply held fear or even a physical healing. The more grace we offer, the more in turn we receive.

Forgiveness is another Divine quality which dissolves and transmutes negative blocks.  It results in emotional, attitudinal and physical healing taking place for both the giver and the receiver. Grace allows healing to occur because the high-frequency vibrations of love transmute the lower vibrations of pain and fear.

We create karma with our attitudes.  All ill-feeling and disputes are the karmic consequences of egotistical attitudes. When you are ready to be understanding and compassionate or are ready to forgive, the angels lead you to someone or a situation that can help you release your karma.

Angels work with grace, constantly whispering to us to think, do or say that which will dissolve our negative karma.  They try to help us forgive our sins and dissolve a backlog of karmic debt.

The more you open your heart to welcome strangers, to let go of anger, to care for the sick and senile, the hungry and homeless, the more grace pours into the planet.  Every time you pray for another or help someone with love, the planet becomes more filled with Divine light.

The Universal Spiritual Law of Grace is the Divine mercy that sets people free.

Joanne Walmsley
Sacred Scribes




  1. What a beautiful post! Thank you for this♥

  2. Wow..thats why we have to love our enemies :)

  3. Wow..thats why we have to love our enemies :)

  4. Thank you, thank you so much for this beautiful reminder!

  5. Beautiful. Answers questions I had. Thank you.

  6. This morning i asked the universe for a new lesson to learn, and immediately was brought to this link.

  7. I asked for guidance and was brought here and to Zoroastrianism!

  8. Thank you so much for your beautiful and uplifting insights and the knowledge that you share. I enjoy and gain so much from your amazing and informative Web site.

  9. Angel numbers helped me with so much!i am so amazed how all this works, but i know for sure i love it all! Long may the angelic realm be at our doorstep! peace and love to all of you

    // lill locie

  10. Thank you Joanne for every post you have ever given us, you amaze me! I have so much to read on this site, must have taken you years to write it all with such knowledge. You are leading us, and I thank you from my heart and soul xx

  11. Thank for sharing your knowledge.

  12. Thank You Joanne for sharing your gift. This has been a saving grace for me and a guiding light. A Spiritual reference library offering lessons for those who seek spiritual development, the chance to heal and in turn go and nurture others with our gifts. I hope you receive back as much as you have given Joanne. Sending you radiant light love and happiness.

  13. I think I love a little bit more because of this.
    Thank you so much

  14. Divine grace does NOT dissolve ALL your karnic debt as recorded in the Akashic Records and not even 51% of your TOTAL iincarnation debt you have accrued on Earth

  15. Divine Grace can NOT dissolve ALL your total incarnation debt accrued on planet Earth, not even 51% as that has to be paid off by yourself as recorded in the Akashic records in the 5th dimension

  16. Please delete this redundant post as was an error

  17. Thankyou. Well said.🙂
