
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Spiritual Law of RESPONSIBILITY

Responsibility is the ability to respond appropriately to a person or situation.  Challenges are sent by the Universe to gauge or check how you respond to each situation.  Successive tests prepare you for spiritual promotion.  It is up to you to prove that you can handle responsibility.  Before promotion you must pass the test.  If you rise to all challenges with integrity, your spiritual progress will be enhanced.

Everything and everyone you are given to look after is a responsibility.  If you do not respond to the challenge then it will be taken away from you and may be re-presented at another time. You have a responsibility to everything in your life.  Take note of how you look after yourself, your children, your home and garden, your pets and possessions.  You have a responsibility to care for them.
You cannot take on great responsibility in life if you do not take care of your own needs.  Your emotions and spirit need to be looked after.  You must look after and nurture your physical body, and take care of your emotional state.
Every single individual is responsible for their own feelings and their own destiny and you do not have the right to carry someone else’s burden for them, as this would prevent their personal growth.  When we take responsibility for someone else’s decisions, we do not serve their highest growth or good. Your responsibility is to empower and strengthen others and encourage them to carry their own responsibility.
Most of us project our own feelings on to others.  If you cannot tell someone about a situation or how you feel in case they feel hurt, jealous, angry, depressed or jealous, you are taking responsibility for their feelings, and are doing them as injustice.  When we speak honestly about our own feelings, we take responsibility for ourselves, and in doing so we release the other person and as well as ourselves.
When we understand the Spiritual Law of Responsibility, we no longer blame anybody else, or project our feelings on to others. 

True responsibility is the ability to respond to the needs of all around you  -  to flowers, trees, animals, humans and the planet.  An evolved being responds graciously to every living creature in the Universe.

It isn’t what happens to us that counts  -  its how we react to it.

Joanne Walmsley
Sacred Scribes



  1. Hi Joanne!

    First of all, thank you for your lightwork as you have been a guiding light in my life right now. All that you've done and continue to do is immensely appreciated!

    I am having some difficulty grasping the Law of Responsibility. For lack of a better term and my enlightenment at this point it seems somewhat contradictory. Can you please help me to grasp this law. I have listed quotes from this hub page with my own questions to you to hopefully explain my disposition so that you can understand where I'm coming from and why I'm confused. Thank you.

    "When we take responsibility for someone else’s decisions, we do not serve their highest growth or good. Your responsibility is to empower and strengthen others and encourage them to carry their own responsibility." ..."True responsibility is the ability to respond to the needs of all around you  -  to flowers, trees, animals, humans and the planet.  An evolved being responds graciously to every living creature in the Universe."  ... "  you do not have the right to carry someone else’s burden for them, as this would prevent their personal growth. "       How do we discern whether we are responding to the needs of all around us, or if we are interfering in their growth and bearing their burden or their responsibility?

    “Most of us project our own feelings on to others.  If you cannot tell someone about a situation or how you feel in case they feel hurt, jealous, angry, depressed or jealous, you are taking responsibility for their feelings, and are doing them as injustice.  When we speak honestly about our own feelings, we take responsibility for ourselves, and in doing so we release the other person and as well as ourselves.
    When we understand the Spiritual Law of Responsibility, we no longer blame anybody else, or project our feelings on to others. "
          I am a bit confused about expressing feelings. When we express our feelings openly, it seems to me and my understanding, at this moment, that expression of those feeling openly is in fact projecting our feelings onto others.

    Joanne, could you please further elaborate or maybe provide examples to make this Law of Responsibility more clear to me? Thank you for your time on this matter and sharing your light with people like me.


    1. Expressing oneself is a talent that must be mastered. It is essential to your personal growth and of those you express yourself to. The talent comes from knowing what to say, how to say, and when to say what is negatively or positively impacting your soul. Most people unconsciously come from either a place of offense or defense and this game only guarantees a loser. The point of communication is to set a stage where you can clearly define what you perceived and how it affected you. Staying open to the idea of the possibility that you misunderstood or that there may be another hidden cause. Express feelings without blame, shame, or judgement. Allow the rawness of the vulnerability show the other party the confused, conflicted, hurt soul reaching out. Sometimes you will notice a transformation occur in the other person as their soul self steps in to iron thing out. Sometimes you will know it's time to allow the other person to process on deeper level. Keep an open policy and be grateful for the opportunity for growth. Let the person know if you do or do not want to continue to feel this way. Send them off with a feeling of the aim for peace.

  2. Thank you for this great information. Respect and love from me

  3. God give me the strength to except the things I so not change and the courage to know the difference in Jesus name a ame ..

  4. God bless everyone who reads this

  5. Why am I so mad at tvetythung around me and I can't trust my boyfriend cuz of he's way to beand how he lies tome a about every little thing is there any hope for his way to be or should I just give up on trying to make work cuz it's what it is

  6. True is the way to really trust if it only one way then it never going be possible
