
Friday, September 17, 2010


The energy of thoughtfulness, kindness and graciousness are considered to be ‘good karma’.  When you send these energies out, they will be returned to you in kind.
Hate, anger and resentment are damaging energies.  When you send out these negative energies, they too will return to you in some form.

The Universal Spiritual Law of Karma is ‘as you give so you shall receive’, or ‘you reap what you sow’.  Bad deeds and thoughts return to you, as do kind, thoughtful deeds.  To the exact extent that you live these qualities, you will receive an equivalent back into your life, at some time.  Karma is recorded and balanced.  Loving thoughts, emotions, deeds and words are ‘credits’.  Negative ones are ‘debits’.  The Universe calls these up when we least expect it.     

Your family is also your karma.  Your soul chooses your family before you are born.  Difficult family ties may be a consequence of unresolved feelings or situations in a past life.  You choose that family this time around because your soul wanted another chance to resolve the problems.  This offers you the lessons your soul needs to learn. By loving and empowering others we heal karmic relationships.   

Mindsets that you bring into this life with you are also your karma.  If you have a mindset that you are not good enough, the belief will inevitably draw into your life things and people that make you feel inferior or weak.  

Positive beliefs create good karma in your life.  Wonderful things then happen.  You are responsible for your own mindset, so change your beliefs if they do not serve you in a positive manner.

Your health is your karma.  Before you incarnated you chose your family, your life challenges and your soul mission.  You also chose your body and your genetic predisposition. Your moment by moment choices of thoughts and emotions will affect your vitality and health.  This is your karma.

The balance sheet of your karma is known as your *Akashic Records, which is a recorded history of all of your lives and life experiences and lessons.  Karma is carried forward from lifetime to lifetime.  We may not experience the consequences of our actions until a subsequent lifetime.  Because of this there is often no obvious and visible correlation between an action and its consequence/s.

The higher our vibration, the more quickly karma returns to us.  Some are subjected to ‘instant karma’.  If you feel that you never get away with anything, you may be experiencing instant karma.  This means that whatever you give out comes back to you, instantly.  It is a sign that you are becoming more evolved because your karmic balance sheet is being kept up to date.  Your soul is no longer allowing you to accumulate debt.

The key to the Law of Karma is ‘you reap what you sow.’

*Akashic Records -

The majority of the world’s cultures, faiths and philosophers generally agree that the Akashic Records exist. The Hindus believe in a universal substance call ‘akasha’ – from which the natural elements of water, fire, earth and air were created. 

The Akashic Records are perceived to be the collective memories and histories of every thought, physical and emotional vibration, sound, major event, minor incident and all movement in eternity. The Akashic Records are the entire history of everything that ever has been, and everything that ever will be.  They could be looked upon as a ‘memory bank’ containing details about everything that happens in the Universe, and information about every spirit and the many lives they have lived.

KARMA – What is it and How does it Work?

Joanne Walmsley
Sacred Scribes

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